
請瀏覽www.artsburg.com.hk, 查閱課程及分享精彩作品

本人為香港專業教育學院(KT)2008年度動態影像設計及視覺效果高級文憑的畢業生。 曾任網頁及包裝設計師,現為一名網頁設計師。 誠接動畫及Motion Graphic及網頁設計等 平面設計 ( 海報或廣告) 動畫設計(片頭或結婚片) 影片剪接 Motion Graphic 設計 Illustrator Design 網頁設計 近期作品(結婚動畫) http://hk.youtube.com/wa
w設計 / 電腦動畫wendy223

大台北外送茶坊看照外約喝茶 菲姐外送成人交友外送茶坊外送茶坊菲姐外送頂級茶外送鐘點情人外送LINE:YXL760126 / 臺北一夜情人外約 飯店全套服務外約 兼職美女外約 鐘點情人外約 ***妹妹外約 台北外送茶坊 台中外送茶坊 新竹一夜情 新竹茶坊 新竹全套外送 新竹*** 新竹品茶外送 一夜情侶 高雄***妹妹外約薇閣一夜情侶絕色正妹/台北汐止援助妹小姐全套服務/台北土城叫小姐/台北新莊找
美容 / 美甲少萱

We(Re-Borny Jewelry Int'l Co Ltd ) are the manufacturer of stainless steel chains & jewelry and the specialist in CNC stone setting on watch cases. In 1977, Re-Borny Headquarter was established i

through carefully curated exhibitions and regular art fairs both local and overseas.
消閒及娛樂 / 好去處凱倫偉伯畫廊 Karin Weber Gallery

Our expertise include services to assist you with YACHT insurance, BOAT maintenance, skippers, coxswains and deckhands, mooring, berths, dry storage and debentures of leading Hong Kong Marina's

We offer a full horsemanship program for beginning through advanced riders from age 6 through adult. Lessons, training, competitive programs, as well as a team of show quality school horses are here.

We are missioned to provide the most pleasant experience with perium products of market leaders and professional technicians in the heart of Central
N美容 / 美甲Nail Waxing

名人 , 名表 , 旅遊 , 時尚 , 汽車 , Restaurant , Lifestyle , people , fashion , travel , car , watch

A little bit more information about me Qualifications Zing The Make Up School- (Master Class and Upper Class) Glauca Rossi School of Make Up- (Diploma in Fashion Photographic and TV Make Up) Central S
T美容 / 化妝Tessa 星級專業化妝

Matime Manufacturers Limited is well diversed in manufacturing and exporting watches around the globe, dedicated not only to providing the best product but providing the best service as well. At Mati
M設計 / 珠寶設計Matime Mfrs Ltd

香港激溜會成立於1999年,是一所發展多項「激溜運動」及多元動感活動)Extreme Skating and Action Sports)之專業訓練中心。本會擁有豐富統籌有關活動之經驗,曾為本地大型機構,(例如:新鴻機地產、香港賽馬會)及香港特別行政區政府等舉辦大型活 本會榮獲鷹星創意創業大賞 至今,香港激溜會 更成為香港唯一 聯系多項亞太區激溜運動賽事之機構,是 < 中國體委 - 中國極
X運動及健身 / 會社、組織及團體X-skate 香港激溜會

太古港島東舞蹈嘉年華 2009 於星期六 12 月 12 日 完滿結束。當日 66 場從港島東不同地點取得靈感的精彩景點舞蹈表演,以及多位穿著鮮艷戲服的巡遊演員,令到場觀眾及愛好攝影的人士拍照拍過不亦樂乎。如果您在當天也拍了不少靚相,不妨一齊上 facebook 「 Fun 享港島東」,參加「太古港島東舞蹈嘉年華」攝影比賽。先登記成為 Fans ,再將作品,連同 facebook usernam

大嶼山延慶寺 -- 風水福地, 先人安居於此 , 後人福澤連年 大嶼山 延慶寺 . 延慶寺 屹立於大嶼山祖山鳳凰山支脈之上,來龍氣壯,入首活躍 ,氣勢雄壯, ... 延慶寺 面對有象形之活山,守護寺院,安祥平和之極,山形有骨有格 ,青綠茂翠,倉庫具備,文昌顯貴,立足此地令人心曠神怡 ,寺院入首明堂圓闊,氣聚有情,內局理氣,佈局考究 ,內外配合有度。 每天晨昏進香, 鮮花水果供奉 , 早晚有大師頌

Company is looking for some web design, web programming, printing, business card and IT solutions. If your company would like to have some enhacement on design, profile, mapping and search engine enh

We design motion graphics ,video direction, graphic desgin and more!we like to explore and discover all kind of multi-media design. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XNqp1B51jZQ

Storyboard Design TV Commercial Design Motion Graphics 3D Animation Visual Effects 3D Product Modeling & Render Please check my youtube channel: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c_TiozX-vxw Contact

Buy 3 get 1 free! Twilight Turtle - Constellation Nightlight Transform Any Room Into A Starry Night Sky The National Parenting Center Seal of Approval 2006 Creative Child Magazine Preferred Choice iP
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